Rachel Piercey
Poet. Children’s author. Editor. Tutor.
Zig Zag Stanza is part of The Poetry Society’s network of Stanza groups, and it is specifically dedicated to reading, writing and workshopping poems for children. We meet on Zoom on the third Monday of the month, 7.30-9.30pm. Anyone interested in writing for children is warmly welcome to join, you don’t have to be a Poetry Society member - though they are a wonderful organisation!
Zig Zag Stanza is named after a poem by Charles Causley, one of my favourite writers. As I Went Down Zig Zag , first published in 1974, is a joyfully absurd celebration of imagination, eccentricity, and the magic of the everyday world. I hugely recommend Charles Causley to anyone interested in writing for children - I wrote about his exhilarating range and his resonant endings recently, if you would like to read more. recenis a
You can find out more about Zig Zag Stanza on The Poetry Society website; if you would like further information, or to join the group, please use the email address listed there or contact me through my website.